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Made under the full moon of September 2020, from the night blooming trumpet flowers of Datura stramonium, this potent essence invites a dive into the deep, the dark, the murky, so that new clarity can be possible.Datura stramonium is a plant that has been in mystical healing relationship with humans for time out of mind. Traditional preparation of the plant is a masterful balancing of toxicity and medicine. This plant contains potent toxins that have been fatal to some who have approached its medicine without wisdom and reverence.By working with the energy or vibrational medicine of this plant as a flower essence, we are able to engage the healing ways of the plant without the risk of toxicity.Standard dosing of flower essences is 4 drops 4 times daily, or whenever you think of it.This essence brings deep shifts in our emotional knowing, our seeing and understanding of the world, and our connection to the unseen realms.*These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not meant to diagnose, prevent or cure disease. Please discuss the use of all herbal products with your healthcare provider.

Moonflower Essence

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